03 March 2010

3 March

(Except now it's the 4th.  March forth, everyone!  -- uh, sorry.  I get weird late at night.  Anyway, the point is, I did all the sewing on the 3rd, so that's what the title of the post is.)

I sewed the dress and the lining together at the neckline this evening, working by hand.  I'd pressed and pinned the edges a few weeks ago, so this step was relatively simple - I just had to match them up and stitch.  I used a sort of slip-running-stitch, in between the two folded edges so the thread doesn't show at all.  I also didn't match them perfectly - when I pressed in the seam allowance I pressed the lining under just a bit farther, so that I could leave a thin margin of velvet inside when I sewed them together.  The theory is that this will keep the lining from peeking out where it's not wanted.

Then I pinned the edges of the armholes together.  But by this time I was really tired, and my eyes were feeling the strain of working with black on black in a dim room - not to mention I think there's a hole in my finger from the needle.  I really need a thimble.

(An ugly picture - I had to use flash to get anything to show up at all.  Pardon the stray threads - they're not attached to the dress.  And the paper is my application for an apartment for next year.  But here is one of the armholes, pinned and ready to sew tomorrow.)

Nine days until the recital.  I still need to stitch the armholes, make up the net petticoat, hem lining and gown, and put in the zipper. 

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